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Window management is a key part of any Wayland compositor. The window API provides ways to manage windows, like fullscreening them, closing them, and more.

Window Handles

Getting information about a window and controlling it happens through a window handle. You can get a window handle through various means, like the get_all function, signals, or window rules.


Documentation for methods on window handles can be found at the corresponding API reference.

Window rules

Unlike AwesomeWM and most Wayland compositors out there, Pinnacle does not have a declarative window rule system. That is, you don't specify a list of conditions and applied rules directly. We do this because it introduces a split between window rules and the rest of the window API. Instead, window rules give you a window handle when a window opens that you can do whatever you want with.

To add a window rule, call add_window_rule.

    if window:app_id() == "alacritty" then


Try not to block inside of the window rule closure. Pinnacle will only configure the window once all window rules have finished executing. If you block here, there will be a delay before the window opens. If you deadlock here, the window will not open at all.