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Run Pinnacle with just.

just run [--release]

You can run Pinnacle within another desktop environment, compositor, or window manager. In this case, it will open as a nested window. This is useful if you want to quickly try Pinnacle out.

On the first startup, assuming you haven't generated a config yet, Pinnacle will spin up the builtin Rust config.

Key and mousebinds

You can press Super+S to bring up the bind overlay. Below are the default binds.

Mod is Super when running in a tty and Alt when running as a nested window.

Mod + sShow the keybind overlay
Mod + Mouse left dragMove window
Mod + Mouse right dragResize window
Mod Shift + qQuit Pinnacle
Mod Ctrl + rReload the config
Mod Shift + cClose window
Mod + ReturnSpawn Alacritty
Mod Ctrl + SpaceToggle floating
Mod + fToggle fullscreen
Mod + mToggle maximized
Mod + SpaceCycle to the next layout
Mod Shift + SpaceCycle to the previous layout
Mod + 1 to 9Switch to tag 1 to 9
Mod Ctrl + 1 to 9Toggle tag 1 to 9
Mod Shift + 1 to 9Move a window to tag 1 to 9
Mod Ctrl Shift + 1 to 9Toggle tag 1 to 9 on a window

Other run options

  • --config-dir / -c: Uses the config at the specified directory
  • --no-xwayland: Prevents Xwayland from being spawned
  • --no-config: Prevents your config from spawning