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Class pinnacle.input.libinput.LibinputSetting


accel_profile nullable

accel_profile?: pinnacle.input.libinput.AccelProfile

Set pointer acceleration

accel_speed nullable

accel_speed?: number

Set pointer acceleration speed

calibration_matrix nullable

calibration_matrix?: integer[]

click_method nullable

click_method?: pinnacle.input.libinput.ClickMethod

disable_while_typing nullable

disable_while_typing?: boolean

Set whether or not to disable the pointing device while typing

left_handed nullable

left_handed?: boolean

Set device left-handedness

middle_emulation nullable

middle_emulation?: boolean

rotation_angle nullable

rotation_angle?: integer

scroll_button nullable

scroll_button?: integer

Set the scroll button

scroll_button_lock nullable

scroll_button_lock?: boolean

Set whether or not the scroll button is a hold or toggle

scroll_method nullable

scroll_method?: pinnacle.input.libinput.ScrollMethod

natural_scroll nullable

natural_scroll?: boolean

Set whether or not natural scroll is enabled, which reverses scroll direction

tap_button_map nullable

tap_button_map?: pinnacle.input.libinput.TapButtonMap

tap_drag nullable

tap_drag?: boolean

tap_drag_lock nullable

tap_drag_lock?: boolean

tap nullable

tap?: boolean

send_events_mode nullable

send_events_mode?: pinnacle.input.libinput.SendEventsMode