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Class Builtin.Corner : LayoutGenerator

A LayoutGenerator that has one main corner window and a horizontal and vertical stack flanking it on the other two sides.



gaps: integer | { inner: integer, outer: integer } = 8

Gaps between windows, in pixels.

This can be an integer or the table { inner: integer, outer: integer }. If it is an integer, all gaps will be that amount of pixels wide. If it is a table, outer denotes the amount of pixels around the edge of the output area that will become a gap, and inner denotes the amount of pixels around each window that will become a gap.

This means that, for example, inner = 2 will cause the gap width between windows to be 4; 2 around each window.


corner_width_factor: number = 0.5

How much of the output the corner window's width will take up.


corner_height_factor: number = 0.5

How much of the output the corner window's height will take up.


corner_loc: "top_left" | "top_right" | "bottom_left" | "bottom_right" = "top_left"

Which corner the corner window will be in.


method layout

function Builtin.Corner:layout(args: LayoutArgs)
    -> { x: integer, y: integer, width: integer, height: integer }[]


args: LayoutArgs


  1. { x: integer, y: integer, width: integer, height: integer }[]