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Class grpc_client.Client



conn: grpc_client.h2.Conn


loop: grpc_client.cqueues.Loop


method unary_request

function grpc_client.Client:unary_request(request_specifier: grpc_client.RequestSpecifier, data: table)
    -> response: table | nil, error: string | nil

Perform a unary request.


request_specifier: grpc_client.RequestSpecifier
data: table - The message to send. This should be in the structure of request_specifier.request.


  1. response: table | nil - The response as a table in the structure of request_specifier.response, or nil if there is an error.
  2. error: string | nil - An error string, if any.

method server_streaming_request

function grpc_client.Client:server_streaming_request(request_specifier: grpc_client.RequestSpecifier, data: table, callback: fun(response: table))
    -> error: string | nil

Performs a server-streaming request.

callback will be called with every streamed response.


request_specifier: grpc_client.RequestSpecifier
data: table - The message to send. This should be in the structure of request_specifier.request.
callback: fun(response: table) - A callback that will be run with every response


  1. error: string | nil - An error string, if any.

method bidirectional_streaming_request

function grpc_client.Client:bidirectional_streaming_request(request_specifier: grpc_client.RequestSpecifier, callback: fun(response: table, stream: grpc_client.h2.Stream))
    -> grpc_client.h2.Stream | nil, error: string | nil

Performs a bidirectional-streaming request.

callback will be called with every streamed response.

The raw client-to-server stream is returned to allow you to send encoded messages.


request_specifier: grpc_client.RequestSpecifier
callback: fun(response: table, stream: grpc_client.h2.Stream) - A callback that will be run with every response


  1. grpc_client.h2.Stream | nil
  2. error: string | nil - An error string, if any.