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Class OutputHandle

An output handle.

This is a handle to one of your monitors. It serves to make it easier to deal with them, defining methods for getting properties and helpers for things like positioning multiple monitors.

This can be retrieved through the various get functions in the Output module.



name: string

The unique name of this output


method set_location

function OutputHandle:set_location(loc: { x: integer, y: integer })

Set the location of this output in the global space.

On startup, Pinnacle will lay out all connected outputs starting at (0, 0) and going to the right, with their top borders aligned.

This method allows you to move outputs where necessary.

Note: If you have space between two outputs when setting their locations, the pointer will not be able to move between them.


 -- Assume two monitors in order, "DP-1" and "HDMI-1", with the following dimensions:
 --  - "DP-1":   ┌─────┐
 --              │     │1920x1080
 --              └─────┘
 --  - "HDMI-1": ┌───────┐
 --              │ 2560x │
 --              │ 1440  │
 --              └───────┘
Output.get_by_name("DP-1"):set_location({ x = 0, y = 0 })
Output.get_by_name("HDMI-1"):set_location({ x = 1920, y = -360 })
 -- Results in:
 --       ┌───────┐
 -- ┌─────┤       │
 -- │DP-1 │HDMI-1 │
 -- └─────┴───────┘
 -- Notice that y = 0 aligns with the top of "DP-1", and the top of "HDMI-1" is at y = -360.


loc: { x: integer, y: integer }

See also

method set_loc_adj_to

function OutputHandle:set_loc_adj_to(other: OutputHandle, alignment: Alignment)

Set the location of this output adjacent to another one.

alignment is how you want this output to be placed. For example, "top_align_left" will place this output above other and align the left borders. Similarly, "right_align_center" will place this output to the right of other and align their centers.


 -- Assume two monitors in order, "DP-1" and "HDMI-1", with the following dimensions:
 --  - "DP-1":   ┌─────┐
 --              │     │1920x1080
 --              └─────┘
 --  - "HDMI-1": ┌───────┐
 --              │ 2560x │
 --              │ 1440  │
 --              └───────┘
Output.get_by_name("DP-1"):set_loc_adj_to(Output:get_by_name("HDMI-1"), "bottom_align_right")
 -- Results in:
 -- ┌───────┐
 -- │       │
 -- │HDMI-1 │
 -- └──┬────┤
 --    │DP-1│
 --    └────┘
 -- Notice that "DP-1" now has the coordinates (2280, 1440) because "DP-1" is getting moved, not "HDMI-1".
 -- "HDMI-1" was placed at (1920, 0) during the compositor's initial output layout.


other: OutputHandle
alignment: Alignment

method set_mode

function OutputHandle:set_mode(pixel_width: integer, pixel_height: integer, refresh_rate_millihz?: integer)

Set this output's mode.

If refresh_rate_millihz is provided, Pinnacle will attempt to use the mode with that refresh rate. If it isn't, Pinnacle will attempt to use the mode with the highest refresh rate that matches the given size.

The refresh rate is in millihertz. For example, to choose a mode with a refresh rate of 60Hz, use 60000.

If this output doesn't support the given mode, it will be ignored.


Output.get_focused():set_mode(2560, 1440, 144000)


pixel_width: integer
pixel_height: integer
refresh_rate_millihz?: integer

method set_modeline

function OutputHandle:set_modeline(modeline: string | Modeline)

Set a custom modeline for this output.

This accepts a Modeline table or a string of the modeline.


modeline: string | Modeline

method set_scale

function OutputHandle:set_scale(scale: number)

Set this output's scaling factor.


scale: number

method increase_scale

function OutputHandle:increase_scale(increase_by: number)

Increase this output's scaling factor.


increase_by: number

method decrease_scale

function OutputHandle:decrease_scale(decrease_by: number)

Decrease this output's scaling factor.


decrease_by: number

method set_transform

function OutputHandle:set_transform(transform: Transform)

Set this output's transform.


transform: Transform

method set_powered

function OutputHandle:set_powered(powered: boolean)

Power on or off this output.


powered: boolean

method props

function OutputHandle:props()
    -> OutputProperties

Get all properties of this output.


  1. OutputProperties

method make

function OutputHandle:make()
    -> string

Get this output's make.

Note: make and model detection are currently somewhat iffy and may not work.

Shorthand for handle:props().make.


  1. string

method model

function OutputHandle:model()
    -> string

Get this output's model.

Note: make and model detection are currently somewhat iffy and may not work.

Shorthand for handle:props().model.


  1. string

method x

function OutputHandle:x()
    -> integer

Get this output's x-coordinate in the global space.

Shorthand for handle:props().x.


  1. integer

method y

function OutputHandle:y()
    -> integer

Get this output's y-coordinate in the global space.

Shorthand for handle:props().y.


  1. integer

method logical_width

function OutputHandle:logical_width()
    -> integer

Get this output's logical width in pixels.

If the output is disabled, this returns nil.

Shorthand for handle:props().logical_width.


  1. integer

method logical_height

function OutputHandle:logical_height()
    -> integer

Get this output's logical height in pixels.

If the output is disabled, this returns nil.

Shorthand for handle:props().y.


  1. integer

method current_mode

function OutputHandle:current_mode()
    -> Mode

Get this output's current mode.

Shorthand for handle:props().current_mode.


  1. Mode

method preferred_mode

function OutputHandle:preferred_mode()
    -> Mode

Get this output's preferred mode.

Shorthand for handle:props().preferred_mode.


  1. Mode

method modes

function OutputHandle:modes()
    -> Mode[]

Get all of this output's available modes.

Shorthand for handle:props().modes.


  1. Mode[]

method physical_width

function OutputHandle:physical_width()
    -> integer

Get this output's physical width in millimeters.

Shorthand for handle:props().physical_width.


  1. integer

method physical_height

function OutputHandle:physical_height()
    -> integer

Get this output's physical height in millimeters.

Shorthand for handle:props().physical_height.


  1. integer

method focused

function OutputHandle:focused()
    -> boolean

Get whether or not this output is focused.

The focused output is currently implemented as the one that last had pointer motion.

Shorthand for handle:props().focused.


  1. boolean

method tags

function OutputHandle:tags()
    -> TagHandle[]

Get the tags this output has.

Shorthand for handle:props().tags.


  1. TagHandle[]

method scale

function OutputHandle:scale()
    -> number

Get this output's scaling factor.

Shorthand for handle:props().scale.


  1. number

method transform

function OutputHandle:transform()
    -> Transform

Get this output's transform.

Shorthand for handle:props().transform.


  1. Transform

method serial

function OutputHandle:serial()
    -> integer

Get this output's EDID serial number.

Shorthand for handle:props().serial.


  1. integer

method keyboard_focus_stack

function OutputHandle:keyboard_focus_stack()
    -> WindowHandle[]

Get this output's keyboard focus stack.

This includes all windows on the output, even those on inactive tags. If you only want visible windows, use keyboard_focus_stack_visible instead.

Shorthand for handle:props().keyboard_focus_stack.


  1. WindowHandle[]

See also

method enabled

function OutputHandle:enabled()
    -> boolean

Get whether this output is enabled.

Disabled outputs are not mapped to the global space and cannot be used.


  1. boolean

method powered

function OutputHandle:powered()
    -> boolean

Get whether this output is powered.

Unpowered outputs that are enabled will be off, but they will still be mapped to the global space, meaning you can still interact with them.


  1. boolean

method keyboard_focus_stack_visible

function OutputHandle:keyboard_focus_stack_visible()
    -> WindowHandle[]

Get this output's keyboard focus stack.

This only includes windows on active tags. If you want all windows on the output, use keyboard_focus_stack instead.


  1. WindowHandle[]

See also